Adult Basic Education
Proctor Public Schools and Hermantown Community School through the Community Education department are in a consortium with Duluth Public Schools to provide adult basic education to the Duluth, Proctor, and Hermantown Area residents. Duluth Adult Education (DAE) is part of the Minnesota Adult Basic Education system. This network of 39 consortia comprising all school districts and community partners is supported with federal and state funds.
The mission of the Minnesota ABE system is to provide adults with educational opportunities to acquire and improve the literacy skills needed to become self-sufficient and to participate effectively as productive workers, family members, and citizens.
Minnesota Adult Basic Education is committed to creating educational equity in the following ways:
We commit to recognizing the historical conditions and barriers that have prevented opportunity and success in learning for students based on their race, class, and other identities.
We commit to working to dismantle the belief in a hierarchy of human value, with a focus on racial equity.
We commit to fostering positive and effective learning environments for all by eliminating institutional policies that uphold oppressive systems of power and privilege.
We commit to collaboratively creating a learning community within the ABE system that promotes opportunities for self-reflection, growth, and change.
Since ABE is associated with the Duluth Public Schools, they follow the school district’s calendar and policies. When students earn an adult diploma it is issued from Duluth Public Schools.

Learn More
Visit Duluth Adult Education or
call DAE at (218) 336 - 8725
Register for ABE
Visit DAE Registration today!
DAE Location
Duluth Adult Education
325 W. 1st Street
Arvig Building, 3rd Floor
Duluth, MN 55802
DAE Staff
Angie Frank, DAE Coordinator
Nancy Meisinger, Front Office Support
Pam Toland, Front Office Support
All the DAE staff may be reached at the number listed above.