Kids' Zone Bay View
Kids’ Zone Scheduling & Billing
To schedule your student(s) and pay your Kids’ Zone bill click here and log in to your account.
If you have a question or concern regarding your bill please contact the Kids' Zone Coordinator directly.
Kids’ Zone Handbook
It is the responsibility of each family to review the handbook prior to participation in Kids' Zone. The Kids' Zone handbook can be found on the Kids' Zone overview page.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, Community Education will follow the Proctor Public Schools Rail Safe Plan. The safe return to school plan is a fluid and working document and to stay current parents should review the plan on a regular basis.
As a reminder, please do not send your student to Kids' Zone when ill.
Hours of Operation
School Year:
6:30 am to 8:15 am | school days only
2:45 pm to 5:30 pm | school days only
Please note, that when school is delayed for inclement weather or other unforeseen reasons, Kids' Zone will open two hours late. When school is canceled for the day due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, Kids' Zone will be closed.
6:30 am - 5:30 pm | Monday - Friday
Contact Information
Erin Brisk, Bay View Site Manager
(general information and attendance)
ebrisk@proctor.k12.mn.us | 218.628.4952
Fallon Hartman, Bay View Assistant Site Manager
(general information and attendance)
fhartman@proctor.k12.mn.us | 218.628.4952
Ines Chandler, Proctor Kids' Zone Coordinator
(billing and registration)
ichandler@proctor.k12.mn.us | 218.241.8008 x 523
Kristal Berg, Director of Community Education
kberg@proctor.k12.mn.us | 218.626.6024