Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening (ECS) is offered by both school districts, and it is free to all children once they have passed their 3rd birthday. During your child’s brief screening Minnesota Department of Education educators will do a quick and simple check of your child’s development in areas of large motor skills, fine motor skills, cognitive skills and health (vision, hearing, weight). Early Childhood Screening is required for all children prior to entering kindergarten in a public school, and it promotes positive developmental outcomes.
When is the best time to schedule Early Childhood Screening?
Early Childhood Screening is available to children between the ages of 3 to 5 years old. Although your child may be screened any time before kindergarten, it is best to do so between 3 and 4 years of age. Most children are on target in the above-identified areas of development, but occasionally children may show signs of need in one or more areas. By identifying any areas of concern, early intervention can be provided to support your child in meeting the developmental milestones important for supporting successful learners.
What happens during Early Childhood Screening?
Minnesota Department of Education educators including licensed early childhood teachers, speech pathologists, and school nurses will check your child’s vision and hearing, height and weight, immunization status, large and small muscles, thinking, language and communication skills, as well as, social and emotional development. At the end of screening, you will be given a full report of your child’s learning and growth.
Upcoming Screening Schedule
If your child is entering kindergarten in the Fall of 2025 and has not been screened to date. Please be sure to schedule for one of the following dates below.
Proctor Public Schools
November 8
January 10
February 14
March 14
April 11
May 9
Hermantown Community Schools
November 22
January 31
February 28
March 21
April 25
May 23
How do I register?
All early childhood screening appointments are scheduled online.
Questions or More Information
Jilli Peterson, Early Childhood Screening Coordinator
jpeterson@isd700.org | 218-729-9563
Screening Forms
All of the above forms and the appropriate ASQ must be completed and brought to your child's screening appointment.